Re: run a program in memory , not from hard

"Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]" <rbv@nospam.nospam>
Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:46:02 -0500
David Ching wrote:

"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message

One technique I've seen is to launch an application (for instance,
Notepad), in a suspended state. Then overwrite the process memory
with your target code, and resume the process.

That is truly scary. In any sane operating system, such an action
should be impossible.

Well, I know you use system-wide global Windows hooks, and those
force your hook DLL into all processes, in effect overwriting process
memory. The SendMessageRemote() function that I wrote that you seem
to like also "overwrites process memory" using CreateRemoteThread(),
CreateProcessMemory(), etc. so actually I'm glad that these methods of
binary-interception are possible in Windows. It does make possible
very valuable custom apps that make Windows truly "personal".

It also supports the mantra "the user (not Microsoft) owns the computer",
because he can now exercise the rights available to his login in any way he
pleases, not limited to what some software vendor pre-defined.

-- David

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