Re: Channel 9 video: Visual C++ 10 is the new 6

"Tom Serface" <>
Tue, 18 Nov 2008 13:30:12 -0800
I tend to update every new version and have never been sorry for doing so.
I thought VC6 was good, but some of the improvements to newer versions make
up for the lost functionality of VC6. If V10 has some of this back that
would only be icing on the cake.


"Giovanni Dicanio" <> wrote in message

"Chris H" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

I am still using the Old 6.

It seems to work.

I don't doubt that.
VC6 has a robust stable IDE, is snappy, and has top-quality MFC
ClassWizard, and the help system does work.

Why and how often does everyone else move to newer versions?

When you move to the newer versions of VC, you lost something but also
gain something else.

For example: I like the visualizers for debugging purposes (like STL
visualizers, shared_ptr visualizers, etc.). They are available in VS2005
and 2008, but I think it is not trivial to implement them in VC6 (probably
you should do some low-level hook in the VC6 process and do some
black-magic to hook your code in the IDE, like WndTabs does...).

Moreover, both the compiler and the libraries improved a lot after VC6.
Since VC7.1 (a.k.a. VS.NET2003) you can compile multiplatform C++ code
without problems, including Boost libraries. And since VC7.1 you have
good-working STL ready "out-of-the-box" (instead, with VC6 you should use
STLport, or apply Dinkumware patches). And after VC6 you can use CString
also in non-MFC apps, because CString was refactored to be part of ATL.
And, being the new (i.e. post-VC6) CString a template class, you can have
both CStringA and CStringW in the same source files.

And there are others improvements, too.


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