Re: CListCtrl size at runtime

"Tom Serface" <>
Fri, 21 Nov 2008 14:06:25 -0800

Since you are adding things so rapidly, what if you set a timer in your
dialog that turns on and off SetRedraw() for the list control every 2
seconds or so and that way it would not continue to draw so much. Another
idea would be to only call EnsureVisible() at that time as well. You may
also want to put in a checkbox or something that will not do the
EnsureVisible() call so users can scroll back in the text without it popping
to the end automatically.

I couldn't resist the jab on ON_GETDISPINFO... I new what you means :o)

FWIW, you'd have even more trouble with this using a non-virtual control so
you're heading down the right path.


"Gary" <> wrote in message

Thanks a lot Tom, appreciated.

I should be using ON_NOTIFY as you suggested and it does seem to work.
Sorry about ON_GETDISPINFO, it was just a typo, I meant LVS_GETDISPINFO.

One thing I observed was that the list control flickers.
I am using EnsureVisible() so that the last time is visible and it is
automatically scrolled.

Is it possible to reduce the flickering ?


"Tom Serface" wrote:

Hi Gary,

I sent you email with what I think is going on in your process. If so it
will be easy to fix. I think you need to use ON_NOTIFY() rather than
ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT() in this case. I don't think there is such a thing as
ON_GETDISPINFO, but you would use the form:


The control on the dialog will notify the dialog (where the handler
when it needs data to display in a line.

As I mentioned in my email you can also add the handler in the properties
window to have it set all this up for you. You just have open the
select it, then click the little lightning bolt icon on the top of the
properties window. From there you can open the tree for the list control
and hook into all kinds of notification messages and it will set up the
for you (at least the functions, you have to fill in what you want to do
the functions of course).

FWIW, once you have this set up it will be really easy for you to extend
and use this idea in other programs. It's just doggone learning curve

Hope that helps,


"Gary" <> wrote in message

I guess my OnGetItemInfo() function corresponding to the ON_GETDISPINFO
is never geting called ?

If so then why would that be happening ?


"Gary" wrote:

Ok, resolved the issue by setting the Owner Data to "true" through the
Properties window, I guess that is the way to do it, setting extended
won't work.

But now my virtual list control doesn't display anything.

I did add a method corresponding to the macro:


Do I need to do anything else ?

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