it. Then I sent a notification to the parent.
Have you tried GetWindowText, GetLine will give you the line without the
I'm a bit confused. If you only want one line, why aren't you simply
creating a single line edit control, and when the focus is on the edit
control setup a default button, when the user presses the enter key
the edit control, the default button will get pressed. This way you are
relying on EN_UPDATE. (Note that this button can be off the screen, and
without the tab stop flag. You might even be able to make it hidden)
Either way, I don't see why you are worried about getting the CR
"Bert Hyman" <> wrote in message
WinXP Pro SP3 and VS.2008, and a simple dialog-based MFC app.
I have a CEdit control in the dialog with "multi-line" and "want
properties set.
I really only want one line of text, but have these properties set
because as I read the doc, the carriage return should appear in the
buffer if the user hits enter in the field.
I'm getting an EN_CHANGE and an EN_UPDATE message on each keystroke
the control and also get both when the user hits "Enter", but looking
the text with CEdit.GetLine(...), I can see the text but not the
carriage return.
Why don't I see the carriage return in the buffer?
I need to know when the user has entered text manually as opposed to
cases when the field's been updated programmatically.
Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN
Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]