Derived CAsyncSocket sends duplicate data?

"Josh McFarlane" <>
10 May 2006 14:14:10 -0700
I'm at a loss here. I've looked at it, and it's probably something
simple, but can someone explain why my derived class sends duplicate
sets of data occasionally (IE 1 call to Send makes it received twice on
the other end)?

As far as I can tell, it only occurs when the system is under high CPU

Thanks in advance.

Josh McFarlane


From Header File:

enum SendStatus //State of the Send Buffer
        SEND_EMPTY, //Empty Send Queue
        SEND_ACTIVE //Sending currently in progress
    CCriticalSection ctSender;
    SendStatus c_SendStatus;
    size_t bytesSent;
    size_t sendlength;
    std::vector<BYTE> outBuffer;

From CPP:

int CInternalSocket::Send(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int)
    //Need to add DWORD to buffer before sending
    DWORD TotalLength = nBufLen + sizeof(DWORD);
    DWORD Length = htonl(nBufLen);
        CSingleLock lock(&ctSender);
        switch (c_SendStatus)
        case SEND_EMPTY:
                bytesSent = 0;
                sendlength = TotalLength;
                outBuffer.resize(TotalLength, 0);
                BYTE* p = &outBuffer[0];
                memcpy(p, &Length, sizeof(DWORD));
                p += sizeof(DWORD);
                memcpy(p, lpBuf, nBufLen);
                c_SendStatus = SEND_ACTIVE;

        case SEND_ACTIVE:
                size_t oldSize = outBuffer.size();
                sendlength = oldSize + TotalLength;
                outBuffer.resize(sendlength, 0);
                BYTE* p = &outBuffer[oldSize];
                memcpy(p, &Length, sizeof(DWORD));
                p += sizeof(DWORD);
                memcpy(p, lpBuf, nBufLen);

    return nBufLen;

void CInternalSocket::OnSend(int nErrorCode)
    CSingleLock lock(&ctSender);
    if (nErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        //Handle initial socket errors here.
            pInterface->PostThreadMessage(UWM_SOCKET_SENDERROR, nErrorCode,
    //Check buffer to make sure that it has data to be sent.
    size_t bytesToSend = sendlength - bytesSent;
    BYTE* p = &outBuffer[bytesSent];
    while(bytesToSend > 0)
    { //Bytes to send
        int len = CAsyncSocket::Send(p, bytesToSend);
        if (len == SOCKET_ERROR)
        { //Send Error
            int lastErr = ::GetLastError();
            if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == lastErr || WSAENOTCONN == lastErr)
                    pInterface->PostThreadMessage(UWM_SOCKET_SENDERROR, lastErr,
        } //Send Error
        bytesToSend -= len;
        bytesSent += len;
        p += len;
    } //Bytes to Send
    if (bytesSent >= outBuffer.size())
        bytesSent = 0;
        c_SendStatus = SEND_EMPTY;

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