Re: dllregisterserver not registering com classes

Stuart Redmann <>
Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:26:36 +0200
 >> PaulH wrote:
 >>> I have a COM DLL (created with the ATL COM wizard). It comes with
 >>> the function:
 >>> // DllRegisterServer - Adds entries to the system registry
 >>> STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
 >>> {
 >>> // registers object, typelib and all interfaces in typelib
 >>> HRESULT hr = _AtlModule.DllRegisterServer();
 >>> return hr;
 >>> }
 >>> This function does get called when the object is registered, but
 >>> none of the interfaces I have defined get registered.
 >>> Do I need to put code in to manually register my objects? What does
 >>> that function register, then?

[snipped suggestion that he may have forgotten to put the class id in

I don't have any BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP entries, but I think as of VC7, ATL
switched to using OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO() macros instead. I'm using VS
2005, if that helps.

I do have an OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO() macro at the bottom of my
wizard-generated IMyModule.h

OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO(__uuidof(IMyModule), CIMyModule)

as well as a COM_MAP entry in my CIMyModule() class


        COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch, IComponentRegistrar)

I wasn't entirely correct before, though. The interface is being
properly put in to the registry, it's only that when I try to access
it, I get the REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG error from:

This is getting a bit confusing. As I see it you have a class called
IMyModule that exposes an interface IIMyModule. That means I suspect you
have something like the following lines in your .idl file:

interface IIModule : ...

coclass IMyModule

This naming sceme is quite confusing, since one should only use the
prefix 'I' for interface names. You idl-file should read something like
[...] interface IModule : ... {...};
[...] coclass MyModule {...};

When you say that your _interface_ is properly registered in the
registry, you certainly means that your _coclass_ is properly registered.

    MyModuleLib::IIMyModulePtr pModule = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = pModule.CreateInstance(TEXT("MyModule.IMyModule"));

Have you tried to create an instance of your coclass by class id? Under
VC6.0 this can be done by simply calling CreateInstance for a given
smart pointer without any arguments:
HRESULT hr = pModule.CreateInstance ();


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