Re: Converting a LPSTR* to BSTR* and back again.

"glennanthonyb" <>
Tue, 21 Aug 2007 17:37:12 +0100

Thanks for your help and patience, eventually I used strncpy (nod to ajk's
for his post) and it worked perfectly.


"Giovanni Dicanio" <> wrote in message

"glennanthonyb" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

Here's the C# interface definition...

int ListItem( int itemNumber, ref string buffer, int tabbed, int
bufferLength );

I did not ask for it... and this information does not help me.

However, you may consider the following code to convert BSTR <-> ANSI (I
embedded the conversion code into a couple of functions, and did a test in
WinMain; you should review and better test the code; however, it seems to
work OK):

// Converstion of strings BSTR <-> ANSI
// By Giovanni Dicanio
// (2007, August)
#include <Windows.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <strsafe.h>

// Convert an ANSI string to a BSTR
void StringAnsiToBstr(
   IN const char * sz,
   OUT BSTR * pbstr
   ATLASSERT( sz != NULL );
   ATLASSERT( pbstr != NULL );

   // Build a CComBSTR object assigning the input
   // ANSI string (the constructor converts from
   // ANSI to BSTR)
   CComBSTR bstr( sz );

   // Copy to destination BSTR parameter,
   // releasing the BSTR
   *pbstr = bstr.Detach();

// Convert a BSTR to ANSI.
// The caller must provide memory buffer for ANSI,
// and the buffer size (in char's)
void StringBstrToAnsi(
   IN BSTR * pbstr,
   OUT char * sz,
   IN size_t cch
   ATLASSERT( pbstr != NULL );
   ATLASSERT( *pbstr != NULL );
   ATLASSERT( sz != NULL );
   ATLASSERT( cch != 0 );

   // Build an helper CComBSTR object with the input string
   CComBSTR bstr( *pbstr );

   // Convert from Unicode to ANSI
   CW2A ansi( bstr );

   // Copy ANSI to destination buffer
   StringCchCopyA( sz, cch, ansi );

// *** TEST ***
int CALLBACK WinMain(
   IN HINSTANCE hInstance,
   IN HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
   IN LPSTR lpCmdLine,
   IN int nShowCmd )
   // Source ANSI string
   const char * name = "Bob";

   // Convert from ANSI to BSTR
   BSTR bstr;
   StringAnsiToBstr( name, &bstr );

   // Display the BSTR string
   MessageBoxW( NULL, bstr, L"The BSTR string is: ", MB_OK );

   // Convert from BSTR back to ANSI
   static const int ansiCch = 100;
   char ansi[ ansiCch ];
   ZeroMemory( ansi, sizeof(ansi) );
   StringBstrToAnsi( &bstr, ansi, ansiCch );

   // Display ANSI string
   MessageBoxA( NULL, ansi, "The ANSI string is: ", MB_OK );

   // Manually release the bstr
   SysFreeString( bstr );
   bstr = NULL;

   return 0;



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