Re: Using a callback function name as an argument in a function
To add to what others correctly wrote, have you considered the option of
changing your design, making it more C++ and less C?
What IMHO could be good is to define an *interface* (C++), which a "worker"
object must implement, instead of C-style callbacks.
// Instead of having a call-back, use a C++ interface
class ILineProcessor
virtual ~ILineProcessor(); // virtual dtor for proper cleanup
// The job that the callback did in the previous design
virtual void DoWork( ...parameters... ) = 0;
// ... other interface methods, if needed...
Then you derive a concrete class which implements the above interface, and
this concrete class does the real job.
Having defined a class (and not just a C-function callback), you can store
lots of useful information, like additional status information (via private
data members), etc. The resulting code will be more robust, extensible, just
more quality.
I think that the call-backs are an old design, considering that the Win32
API is a kind of "C" framework. So, in C, call-backs are useful. But IMHO in
C++ we can use *interfaces* to get better quality code.
In fact, there are also some new APIs in Vista (about common dialogs, IIRC),
that works with COM *interfaces* (because the concept of interfaces is more
robust and more quality than C-style call-backs).
Just my 2 cents.
"Dan Gistenson" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong with this problem in my vc6 mfc
sdi project, and tell me how to fix it? I understand the general meaning
the compiler's 2664 error message, but I don't understand what's wrong
my approach and how to fix it. The problem lies with argument 3 of
lineInitializeEx() and/or the prototype and definition of
I used Class wizard to add the member function lineCallbackFunc() to my
class. The function will be used as a callback function, by using it as
third argument in a call to lineInitializeEx() which I hav placed in the
OnNewDocument member function of my doc class.
The compiler error message, the prototype and definition of the callback
function, and the call to lineInitializeEx() are below, in that order.
am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it?
The compiler error message is:
error C2664: 'lineInitializeExA' : cannot convert parameter 3 from 'void
(unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned
long,unsigned long)' to 'void (__stdcall *)(unsigned long,unsigned
long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long)'
None of the functions with this name in scope match the target type
The callback function's prototype is:
void lineCallbackFunc(DWORD hDevice, DWORD dwMsg, DWORD
DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2, DWORD dwParam3);
The callback function's definition is:
void CFoneIODoc::lineCallbackFunc (DWORD hDevice, DWORD dwMsg, DWORD
DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2, DWORD dwParam3)
// My code will go here.
Finally, the call to lineInitializeEx() is: (Argument 3 is the issue.)
lResult = lineInitializeEx( &hLineApp, NULL, lineCallbackFunc, "TAPI
&dwNumDevs, &dwHighApiVersion, &lineInit );
Please help.