Re: shared DLL VS static Link, Are they different?

asm23 <>
Tue, 05 Aug 2008 11:29:44 +0800
Giovanni Dicanio wrote:

As Joe and Doug pointed out, that library has problems with DllMain and
thread local storage, etc.

I did some stepping in the code.

The problem is that that library is a mainly-C-interface library (even if
the sources are .cpp), and there is a structure called "CvContext" in that

The authors provided internal functions like icvCreateContext(),
icvDestroyContext(), and icvGetContext() - see file cxcore\src\cxerror.cpp
(where DllMain is also defined).

The problem is that this "context" management is a real mess, and if you try
to log the calls to icvCreateContext() and the calls to icvDestroyContext(),
you will see that they do not match!

I saw that inserting a custom code in icvCreateContext() and
icvDestroyContext() bodies, this custom code basically uses
OutputDebugString to trace message like "icvCreateContext - CvContext
allocated at %08x <memory address here...>").

The problem is that icvGetContext is badly designed IMHO (with some
confusing #ifdef's, too), and there is a mix of TlsGetValue(), and also
calls to icvCreateContext from icvGetContext...

There are global variables defined in that DLL, and their constructor calls
icvGetContext - you can see that using call stack:
CvType constructor calls
   cvGetErrStatus calls

It may happen that icvGetContext is called like shown above *before* DllMain
(because the global variables are constructed before DllMain is called).

If you put breakpoints you can see how bad and non-linear the code flow is
to get these "CvContext"s...

And if you use proper tracing, you will see that *not all* the instances of
CvContext created on the heap using malloc() are properly destroyed!
(BTW: this library is a C++ library, but uses malloc instead of new...)

In general, I think that DllMain is a poor place to do initialization and
cleanup - better providing external public functions - and if there is some
"context" state to be shared by DLL functions, better passing it explicitly
(or use a C++ library, so the "state" is inside the class body).

A couple articles about DllMain...


Thank you Giovanni.
Follow your advice, I add these code in icvCreateContext() body
char msgbuf[100];
sprintf(msgbuf, "memory create here %08x \n", (void*)context);

add these code in icvDestroyContext() body
char msgbuf[100];
sprintf(msgbuf, "memory destroyed here %08x \n", (void*)context);

When debug the cvcore100d.dll I found icvCreateContext() is called twice.
**First: Before DLLMain
  CvType constructor calls
    cvGetErrStatus calls
        icvGetContext calls
           icvCreateContext. ********Here!
This is before the DLLMain is entered. It seems there are some global
variable in Cvcore100d.dll, and will be initialized before DLLMain.
**Second: in DLLMain
         pContext = icvCreateContext(); ********Here!

But the icvDestroyContext() will be called ONCE when Exit the APP.
It's still in DLLMain
         if( g_TlsIndex != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES )
             pContext = (CvContext*)TlsGetValue( g_TlsIndex );
             if( pContext != NULL )
                 icvDestroyContext( pContext ); ********Here!
         TlsFree( g_TlsIndex );

So, I think the Memory created in global variable in DLL files will not
released, That the *CAUSE* of Memory leak. Even I download the latest
code from openCV's CVS, the problems still exit.
If I add preprocessor definition CV_DLL, there is another memory leak.
         if( g_TlsIndex != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES )
             pContext = (CvContext*)TlsGetValue( g_TlsIndex );
             if( pContext != NULL )
                 icvDestroyContext( pContext );
         TlsFree( g_TlsIndex );
here is the code in icvGetContext()
static CvContext*
#ifdef CV_DLL
#if defined WIN32 || defined WIN64
     CvContext* context;

     //assert(g_TlsIndex != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES);
     if( g_TlsIndex == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES )
         g_TlsIndex = TlsAlloc();
         if( g_TlsIndex == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES )
             FatalAppExit( 0, "Only set CV_DLL for DLL usage" );

     context = (CvContext*)TlsGetValue( g_TlsIndex );
     if( !context ) ******NOTE**
         context = icvCreateContext();
         if( !context )
             FatalAppExit( 0, "OpenCV. Problem to allocate memory for
TLS OpenCV context." );

         TlsSetValue( g_TlsIndex, context );
     return context;
NOTE: context will always be checked in icvGetContext(), if it is NULL,
then icvCreateContext will be called, and a memory will be allocated.
, the TlsGetValue() will always return NULL, so, the memory will created
and never be released.

Further More, I'm not familiar with OpenCV, so, I don't know What
"CvContext" used for?

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