Re: How to pass strings from VC++.exe to C#.dll

"Giovanni Dicanio" <>
Wed, 17 Sep 2008 19:09:07 +0200
<> ha scritto nel messaggio

Now i have to return a string from C#.dll which is a COM component and
receive it in VC++.exe.I am not sure on how to do this


i changed the syntax to

 public string ShowDialog(StringBuilder str)

   string dest ="C:\\RAGHU\\rag.xml";
 return dest;

OK, so this is the C# method returning the string (exposed to C++ using
COM), is it correct?

In Vc++ .exe

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

WCHAR pretval;

   if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
pretval = pDotNetCOMPtr->ShowDialog(str);//giving error in this
s tatement

So, I think that you are using #import directive from C++ to access the C#
COM component, correct?

If so, pretval in that case must not be a WCHAR, but a _bstr_t (representing
So, please try this:

  // Get string from C# COM component
  _bstr_t s = pDotNetComPtr->ShowDialog( str );

In this way, you can have your string passed from C# to C++ using COM.

I would like to repeat to make it clear: the default method to pass strings
in COM is using *BSTR*. There are wrapper classes for BSTR, like CComBSTR
and _bstr_t. _bstr_t is usually used if you use the #import directive.

_bstr_t Class:

In general, if you have a COM component implemented in C#, with an
ITestClass::GetSomeString() method that returns a string, like this:


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ComCSharp
    public interface ITestClass
        string GetSomeString();

    public class TestClass : ITestClass
        public string GetSomeString()
            string s = "Hello from C# COM component.";
            return s;



You can call that from C++ using code like this:


#include "stdafx.h"

#import "ComCSharp.tlb"

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    ComCSharp::ITestClassPtr p;
    p.CreateInstance( __uuidof( ComCSharp::TestClass ) );

    // Call method GetSomeString() from COM component (written in C#);
    // this method returns a BSTR that is displayed in C++ console.
    _bstr_t s = p->GetSomeString();

    wcout << L"String from C#: " << s << endl;


    return 0;


I tested that on VC2008.


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