Re: about casting

"Giovanni Dicanio" <>
Fri, 5 Dec 2008 16:30:36 +0100
"Tony Johansson" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

I still have a major problem and that is when I do
in method initRules2 see below no method is listed from the intellisense.
The methods that is located in the coclass Handle_DS are also public at
the moment.

STDMETHODIMP CSyntaxObj::InitRules2(IHandle_DS* handle_ds, BSTR Provider,

handle_ds is a pointer to COM interface IHandle_DS. This is unrelated to the
C++ class Handle_DS (that probably should be named like CHandleDS, because
as naming convention, especially useful for COM programming, the interfaces
should start with an 'I', and the C++ classes implementing those interfaces
should have names starting with 'C', e.g. IHandleDS and CHandleDS).

So, from the handle_ds pointer you should be able to access all the pure
virtual methods exposed by the IHandle_DS COM interface.

Did you put the definition of this IHandle_DS interface in the IDL file?

e.g. you should have something like this in the IDL:

  interface IHandle_DS : IDispatch
   [id(1), helpstring("method DoSomething")]
   HRESULT DoSomething( ... parameters ... );

So you should be able to write C++ code like this to call DoSomething method
of IHandle_DS COM interface:

   // IHandle_DS * handle_ds
   HRESULT hr = handle_ds->DoSomething( .... );

BTW: Don't trust built-in Visual Studio IntelliSense. In some cases it does
not work well for C++. In my experience, if you really want good-working
IntelliSense for C++ (especially VC6), you should use Visual Assist X

Just trust the compiler and the linker: do you have errors when you build
your COM component, and when you access the IHandle_DS methods?


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