Re: Can't compile VC++ program that call a VB DLL

Tim Slattery <>
Thu, 05 Feb 2009 10:20:15 -0500
<> ("Jialiang Ge [MSFT]") wrote:

Hello Tim,

Thank you for posting here. My name is Jialiang Ge[MSFT]. It's my pleasure
to work with you on this thread.

From you post, you were working with COM component, but I am still confused
about the structure of the project. I want to confirm the following things
with you.

1. Which one is your COM server, the VB dll or the VC++ project named

The VB dll

2. Where do you call CoCreateInstance? Did you create a new project as the
client to call the server? If yes, how do you reference IID__dgsAES,
CLSID_dgsAES and the _dgsAES interface from the client?

At the moment, I have a very small MFC 32-bit console app that's
trying to call this VB COM server DLL. The text (following AfxWinInit)

_dgsAES *IVBdgsAES = NULL;

// Now we will intilize COM
hr = CoInitialize(0);

// Use the SUCCEEDED macro and see if we can get a pointer
// to the interface
    hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_dgsAES,
    (void**) &IVBdgsAES);
        COleVariant instr("input string");
        VARIANT vinstr = instr.Detach();
        BSTR outstr;
        COleVariant salt("salt");
        VARIANT vsalt = salt.Detach();

        cout << "input str is : " << vinstr.bstrVal << endl;
        // We can test this HR as well if we wanted to
        hr = IVBdgsAES->strDecrypt(&instr, &vsalt, &outstr);
        cout << "Output string is: " << CString(outstr) << endl;
        // We can test this HR as well if we wanted to
        hr = IVBdgsAES->Release();
        // Something went wrong
        cout << "CoCreateInstance Failed." << endl;
    cout << "CoInitialize failed" << endl;

That's it. It includes the dgsCrypto.h file that was generated by
MIDL. dgsCrypto_i.cpp, also generated by MIDL. There's a dgsCrypt.lib
file which IU added to the project when the "Unresolved external"
messages appeared, but that didn't help/

In your code snippet, I notice that you are using the COM API like
CoCreateInstance, and benefiting from the type info: _dgsAES. Am I right
that you are using #import without smart pointers?

I don't know what a smart pointer is and I don't see "#import"
anywhere in here. I haven't used VC++ for a few years. I'm using VC++
6.0, which is not likely to change, given the funding situation around

I'll look over your letter in detail.

Tim Slattery
MS MVP(Shell/User)

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