Re: regsvr32 error code 0x80004002

"Drew" <dam@dam.dam>
Wed, 5 Mar 2008 13:26:37 -0600
You can sometimes get useful information by loading regsvr32 into
Dependency Walker and doing a profile of your DLL.


"Norman Diamond" <ndiamond@newsgroup.nospam> wrote in message

Until December 2007 I could use Visual Studio 2005 to build DLLs using
Usually Visual Studio 2005 would register the DLLs during building (yeah,
there are still reasons to be an administrator while using Visual Studio).
When it failed, I could type a regsvr32 command into a command prompt.

Starting in December 2007, regsvr32 gives error code 0x80004002,
Interface Not Supported.
(Actual wording: $B%$%s%?!<%U%'!<%9$,%5%]!<%H$5$l$F$$$^$;$s(B)

Visual Studio 2005 gives error message PRJ0050 when trying to build, but
underlying reason is the same, when Visual Studio 2005 tries to register

In December 2007 I also tried reregistering an old copy of my DLL, built
October 2007 and properly registered in October 2007. The error is the
same, 0x80004002. The old DLL file was the same, obsolete because it was
built before I added features to its source code, but it registered
in October and then failed in December.

The same problem started on my boss's machine in or after December 2007.

In December 2007 I posted the same question (in the MFC newsgroup only),
several kind people tried to help, but the problem continues unchanged.

I created a new ATL DLL project. The error is the same.

What got broken in December 2007, was unbroken before that but remains
broken now? How can I fix it? Does anyone know how to get regsvr32
again on ATL DLLs?

[Some MSDN and Google searching yielded the following useless

[Windows Update gets broken similarly. Well I don't have trouble with
Windows Update, I'm trying to register one of my own DLLs that only uses
ATL80 and CRT80.]

[Visual Basic 5 contains a working version of comcat.dll version 4.71. If
find Visual Basic 5 then I can try overwriting Windows XP SP2's version of
comcat.dll with this old version. I doubt it since I didn't have Visual
Basic 5 any time in 2007 or now.]

[Windows Server 2003 Volume Shadowing Services gets broken similarly. XP
doesn't have a UI for Volume Shadowing Services, but it has some of the
DLLs, so I reregistered all of the DLLs that exist. Those worked. But
regsvr32 still refuses to register my DLL.]

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