Re: How to destroy a MFC menu?

Ajay Kalra <>
Tue, 2 Feb 2010 05:57:15 -0800 (PST)
If your app is MDI, main menu of the app changes based on the active
doctemplate. Is that what you have(an MDI)?


On Feb 2, 8:16 am, Kit <> wrote:

I have a weird problem regarding to the MFC menu.

I had a Right-Click-Menu from my application, at the same time, my
application received an event which popup a Modal-Dialog. The Modal-
Dialog sits under the Right-Click-Menu and above the application
screen. It freeze my application (not until I hit an ESCAPE command to
destroy the Right-Click-Menu).

In order to have a work around solution, I implement the following
whenever the Modal-Dialog popup.

        CWnd* pWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->GetActiveWindow=


                pWnd->SendMessage(WM_CHAR, VK_ESCAPE);

I tried this on my machine, and it won't work. But I the same code on
a different machine, it works fine once (the Right-Click-Menu is
gone), but the second time, it won't work again.

I am really frustrated with what to do, can anyone please help?

I also come across the msdn, with the following:

        CWnd* pMain = AfxGetMainWnd();
        if (pMain != NULL)
                CMenu* pMenu = pMain->GetMenu();
                if (pMenu != NULL && pMenu->GetMenuItem=

Count() > 0)

                        for ( int i=0; i<pMenu-=
GetMenuItemCount(); i++ )
                                if ( pMen=

u->GetSubMenu(i) != NULL ) {


    pMenu->DeleteMenu(i, MF_BYPOSITION);




But I tried the code, and it still doesn't work. Can you guys please
guide me a bit?

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