Re: getting the rectangle occupied by line in CRichEditCtrl

"" <>
5 Jun 2006 01:36:34 -0700
hi AliR,

sorry for replying late,

i get this error at compile time.
as CharFromPos is not member function of CRichEditCtrl
and in MSDN it is shown as member function

steps i have followed
1)in my view class function HighLightLine i am i am changing my
   caret position to specified line.
2)then i am calling drawcaret function
  which will first of all try to get the rect associated with the line
  but because i am using CRichEditCtrl i am not able to get the rect of
the line

 next thing i want to do is by geting the rect i want create something
that will highlight it

and i am not changing the font of the rich edit in middle of the
so i think it won't be a problem.will it be?

so the code is as below.

i have view class as follow's
class CMyAppView : public CView
         CRichEditCtrl m_rich;
         .//all other functions
         // then i have function
        void HighLightLine(CString Lineno);
        void DrawCaret();


void CMyAppView::HighLightLine(CString lineno)
      int nBegin;
      int currentLineNumber;
      int lineNumber = atoi( (LPCTSTR) lineno);
      lineNumber -= 1;
      if ((nBegin=m_rich.LineIndex(lineNumber))!= VAL_NEGATIVE_ONE)
        currentLineNumber = m_rich.GetFirstVisibleLine();
        m_rich.LineScroll(lineNumber - currentLineNumber-2);
        int nEnd = m_rich.LineIndex( lineNumber + VAL_ONE );
        m_rich.SetSel(nBegin, nBegin);

        // To check line number means where the caret is present
       long i, j;
       CPoint p1, p2, pCaret;
       m_rich.GetSel (i, j);
       p1 = m_rich.GetCharPos (i);
       p2 = m_rich.GetCharPos (j);
       pCaret = m_rich.GetCaretPos ();
           int m_CurLine = m_rich.LineFromChar (i) + 1;//current line
of caret
       int m_CurColumn = i - m_rich.LineIndex (m_CurLine-1) + 1;
             //the above thing is just for checking the caret position
is right
            //or not
           DrawCaretLine(m_CurLine);//call draw caret line with this

void CMyAppView::DrawCaretLine(CString lineno)
        CRect rect;
    GetLineRect(m_nCaretLine, rect);


//this is for EditView i mean work well for CEditView Derived class
//i want to substitute it with CRichEditCtrl related code
void CMyAppView::GetLineRect(CString lineno)
        if (nLine == 0) // the first line;
        lpRect->bottom = lpRect->top +;
    else if (nLine == GetEditCtrl().GetLineCount() - 1) // the last line
        // we get previous line's rect, then offset it by one line height.
        int nLineIndex = GetEditCtrl().LineIndex(nLine - 1);
        CPoint ptPos = GetEditCtrl().PosFromChar(nLineIndex);
        lpRect->top = ptPos.y;
        lpRect->bottom = lpRect->top +;
        OffsetRect(lpRect, 0,;
    else // lines between first and last
        int nLineIndex = GetEditCtrl().LineIndex(nLine);
        CPoint ptPos = GetEditCtrl().PosFromChar(nLineIndex);
        lpRect->top = ptPos.y;
        lpRect->bottom = lpRect->to p +;

if you can please tell me.
it will be helpfull for me..
if any suggetstion please tell me
Thanks and regards
Harshal shete

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