Re: OnActivateView problem

"Frank Hickman" <>
Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:27:06 -0400
"Kuenga" <> wrote in message
On Mar 5, 8:48 am, Kuenga <> wrote:

Thanks Jonathan for your time..I had tried that way before but it
didnot solve my problem.

I have a ListBox Control on the dialog bar, which I cannot handle like

My document is same but different views. So when different views of
the same document is being switched, I donot want to disable the
buttons. But in the OnActivateView function, when bActivate == FALSE,
if i write the following code

CMainFrame *frame = (CMainFrame *)AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd();
CMDIChildWnd* pActiveChildFrame = frame->MDIGetActive();
CView* view = pActiveChildFrame->GetActiveView();

it gives me the view that is getting deactivated. Not the view that is
getting activated.

If in the OnActivateView when bActivate == FALSE, i get the view which
is being activated then I can put the following check

if(bActivate==false && !(view->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewA)))

then enable the buttons. And my problem will be solved ..

So my question is in OnActivateView function when bActivate==false,
how do I know which view is getting active ?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Is there any work around for this problem ?

Why is this a problem? When bActivate is false your code should return a
pointer to the view being deactivated, that's why bActivate is false. One
question would be why are you going through all those hoops to get a pointer
to the view when it is being passed to OnActivateView?

void CViewA::OnActivateView( BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView*
pDeactiveView )
    // Is it just because the application regained focus (from user
switching applications)
    if ( pActivateView == pDeactiveView )
        return; // Yep, don't need to do anything...

    // Do we need to disable anything...
    if ( bActivate == FALSE )
        // Maybe, let's do some more checking...
        if ( pDeactivateView == NULL )
            // Not sure if this would actually happen but I suppose it could
if the
            // application was being shutdown with only the one view open...
            // do whatever makes since in your app here...
        else if ( !(pActivateView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewA))) &&
            (pDeactivateView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewA))) )
            // Yep, new view is not derived from CViewA but the old one was
so disable the stuff...
        if ( (pActivateView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewA))) )
            // Activating a CViewA derived class, enable the dialog bar

This is off the top of me head so you will need to adjust it to your

Frank Hickman
NobleSoft, Inc.
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