Re: How to add a document to a view

=?Utf-8?B?UFJNQVJKT1JBTQ==?= <>
Thu, 22 May 2008 01:08:08 -0700
I am interested if there is an easier way to do this.
Ok CreateNewFrame takes a doc as a parameter?

But how is going to create my derivative frame with a splitter?
How will my views get attached?

"Ajay Kalra" wrote:

Why cant you use CreateNewFrame instead of doing all this?


On May 21, 11:16 am, PRMARJORAM <>

sorry it not make sense to you. I knew it was a difficult question to ask.
But had to do the following to get it to work:

BOOL CSystemFrame::Create()
        ASSERT(mSysDoc == NULL);
        // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
        CCreateContext context;
        mSysDoc = new CSysDoc();

        context.m_pCurrentDoc = mSysDoc;

        return CMDIChildWnd::Create(NULL, _T("System Configuration"), WS_CHILD |
                                                                rectDefault, NULL,&context);


And then it all works... So needed to create my own context as this gets
passed into the splitter etc and then i needed to do the following

        CView* pView = (CView*)m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,1);

        pView = (CView*)m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,0);


BOOL CSystemFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT /*lpcs*/, CCreateContext*

Hope this makes sense now?

"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

I don't understand. If you have your own MDIChildFrame, that's fine. You would use this
frame class in your document template.

This would be created with the normal mechanisms; you don't have to use a File>New menu
item to create a document, you can just invoke the creation mechanism of the template.

Here's the code I use to do this:

CDocument * CFontExplorerApp::NewItem(CMultiDocTemplate * templ)
     CDocument * doc = templ->CreateNewDocument();
     ASSERT(doc != NULL);
     if(doc == NULL)
        return NULL;

     CFrameWnd * frame = templ->CreateNewFrame(doc, NULL);
     if(frame == NULL)
        { /* failed to create */
         delete doc;
         return NULL;
        } /* failed to create */

     templ->InitialUpdateFrame(frame, doc, TRUE);
     return doc;
    } // CFontExplorerApp::NewItem


On Tue, 20 May 2008 05:16:04 -0700, PRMARJORAM <>

How can i manually add my own CDocument derivative to a CView deriative?

I have created my own MDIChildFrame with a splitter a two formviews and want
each to share the same document.

So this document does not get created via the usual file new procedure or
doc template stuff.

I cannot find an easy way to set the document of each view?

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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