Re: Convert TCHAR to integer!

=?Utf-8?B?Um9iYnk=?= <>
Mon, 17 Jul 2006 16:39:02 -0700
Yes inded, that's what it was!

Thanks for your feedback David!

You have yourself a nice day!


Best regards

"David Wilkinson" wrote:

Robby wrote:


As I now know that const or not, either way the parameter is accepted in the
 _ttoi() function.

On that note...

Please consider the following code:
if ((LOWORD(wParam) >= extnl_INT_INPUT_MVars[0].CW2_CV_ID) &&
    (LOWORD(wParam) <= extnl_INT_INPUT_MVars[3].CW2_CV_ID) )

//Fetch function!
UpDateSimExtrnlInputs_INT(wParam, lParam, &io,

...other code ....


void UpDateSimExtrnlInputs_INT(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, IO *io,
           HWND HWND_CW2_extnl_INT_INPUT_CV[])

int k;

//TCHAR szBufferINPUT[] = _T("12345"); Tried it ! Gives error!

TCHAR szBufferINPUT[10]; //Declare 10 character array

                 (HWND) lParam, WM_GETTEXT,
                 5, (LPARAM)szBufferINPUT ); //Get the text in the control

          //The next line should convert the string buffer to an integer
          k = _ttoi(szBufferINPUT); //This line gives the error!

Here is the error that I get:

error C3861: '_ttoi': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent

I have re-posted this question, and the fellows that answered the previous
post are very welcome to continue with it and I will more that willingly work
on all your feedback. I find the previous post had too many topics and I was
getting confused that's all! :)

I don't disagree with you Brian, hence, yes, gosh, Yes we are in trouble!

I know that the TEXT macro is defined in a few ways like as:

#define _T(x) __T(x)

and so that's where David got the following line:

TCHAR szBufferINPUT[] = _T("12345");

But I get an error on this...!
c:\_DTS_PROGRAMMING\C_PROGRAMMING\vc++\MY_APPS_LAB\XPPLC\WndProc_CW2.cpp(768): error C3861: '_T': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup

But you see that SendMessage() will get different text from different
controls. So:

TCHAR szBufferINPUT[] = _T("12345");

can't be so. The buffer has to be filled in with a new values everytime. And
I did try it if you look at the above code!

Anyways I still would appreciate some help on this topic!

Thankyou news groups!


Clearly, you are missing an include. <tchar.h> perhaps?

David Wilkinson

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