Re: "First Record" in tooltip

=?Utf-8?B?YmFoYQ==?= <>
Fri, 11 Aug 2006 15:39:02 -0700
Ajay's last post alerted me to something. I simply forgot to include the
ON_NOTIFY_EX(TTN_NEEDTEXT, 0, OnToolTipNeedText) in my message map. So the
OnToolTipNotify wasn't being called. Thanks for your help.

"baha" wrote:

Here is my OnToolTipNotify source. In it I do some hittesting and then I try
to display some coordinate data relevant to the bitmap I pass my mouse over.


BOOL CNetQuaSimView::OnToolTipNeedText(UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT *
      BOOL bHandledNotify = FALSE;

    CPoint CursorPos;

    CRect ClientRect;

    // Make certain that the cursor is in the client rect, because the
    // mainframe also wants these messages to provide tooltips for the
    // toolbar.
    if (ClientRect.PtInRect(CursorPos))
        m_pBuildingHit = HitTest(CursorPos);
        UINT nID = pNMHDR->idFrom;

        if (m_pBuildingHit)
    CString strTip;
    const CPoint& Origin = m_pBuildingHit->GetBuildingOrigin();
    strTip.Format(_T("Origin: (%d, %d)"), Origin.x, Origin.y);
    ASSERT(strTip.GetLength() < sizeof(pTTT->szText));
    ::wcscpy_s(pTTT->szText, strTip);
    m_ToolTip.SendMessage(TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR, 0L);
            pTTT->szText[0] = 0;
        bHandledNotify = TRUE;
    return bHandledNotify;

"Ajay Kalra" wrote:

Your code is responsible for showing this text. Is OnToolTipNotify getting
called? Its OK to include the soure of that method for us to see whats going

Ajay Kalra [MVP - VC++]

"baha" <> wrote in message

I'm simply displaying a few bitmaps in my SDI app. In OnToolTipNotify I do
some hittesting and I try to fill in my data (a CString after "Format")


pTTT->szText. I've also tried pTTT->lpszText. However, whenever I pass the
mouse over my bitmaps all I get is the "First Record" text. If you like I


include the source I am using for OnToolTipNotify.


"Ajay Kalra" wrote:

My tooltip seems to work fine since it appears the way I expect it to.


However, no matter what I try the tooltip always displays "First

Record". Can

someone explain to me why this happening and how to solve it.

What tooltip is this (toolbar or on a control in a dialog)? How are you
changing it(dynamically or resource editor)?


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