Re: Frame, View, Crash

"Ajay Kalra" <>
23 Aug 2006 11:56:46 -0700

I kept pounding on it. I got it to crash doing something else by accedent!

Same call stack.

First-chance exception at 0x77c731fa in ars.exe: 0xC0000005: Access
violation reading location 0x00000008.

I have no idea where that is happening. Here is the first source I can
see on the stack.

BOOL AFXAPI AfxInternalPumpMessage()
    if (pState->m_msgCur.message != WM_KICKIDLE &&
   return TRUE;

The pointer is on 'return TRUE' so it must be in DespatchMessage. I was
in another frame/view than the CSummaryEditor. I sent a command that
changed the view configuration. Yet it must be something about the
CSummaryEditor. Here is the pState object:

- pState 0x00153bb8 {m_pModuleState=0x00000000 {m_pCurrentWinApp=???
m_hCurrentInstanceHandle=??? m_hCurrentResourceHandle=??? ...}
m_pPrevModuleState=0x00000000 {m_pCurrentWinApp=???
m_hCurrentInstanceHandle=??? m_hCurrentResourceHandle=??? ...}
m_pSafetyPoolBuffer=0x01238178 ...} _AFX_THREAD_STATE *

But it is only the message getting passed:
+ m_msgCur {msg=0x0000000f wp=0x00000000 lp=0x00000000} tagMSG

A WM_PAINT message.

Dont know whats going on here. The info you have shown here is not
different than a generic project. I first thought thread state may be
an issue but it appears to be what you have for me as well. This is not
a DLL is it? If it is, what type is it?


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