Re: Displaying Service From Sys Tray

"Eric Margheim" <NOSPAM******NOSPAM>
Mon, 28 Aug 2006 07:28:34 -0500
"Abhi" <> wrote in message

If you want to configure your service or give some inputs to it from a
dialog which will appear when you double click the icon, here is what
you may have to do:

1.Have a dialog in service for interaction and initially keep it

2. Now use some message to get notified when you double click on the
icon in the system tray.
Set the structure NOTIFYICONDATA to use a message like:
tnid.uCallbackMessage = WM_SYSTRAYNOTIFY;
Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &tnid);

3. Now if OnSysTrayNotify() is the function in your app which handles
the above message then look for left button double click event and show
the window:
void CRxEngineDlg::OnSysTrayNotify(UINT wParam, LONG lParam)
switch (lParam)



4. When you close the dialog you can again call ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
This will hide the window when you close it.

Is this what you are looking for?

I think this covers the part of bringing up the dialog/app and hiding it.
Thank you. The other part I'm trying to figure out can I leverage or
bring up my existing app which already does all the work or do I have to
bring up a new instance? I think I'm going to have to modify the current
code so that it can operate in a mode where it is not actually procesing
it's just observing and allowing for configuration. It would really be
nice to bring up the currently running app that is hidden and running as a
service as it would alreayd be fully functional.

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