Re: Any way to suppress WM_ACTIVATE message?

"David Webber" <>
Thu, 1 Mar 2007 14:18:32 -0000
"Madhavikutty" <> wrote in message

I'm trying to implement idle time detection in my MFC app. If i detect
that the user has been idle, i bring up a dialog for the user to login
again, in the handler for my Main window's WM_ACTIVATE. The problem
is, if the user cancels the login, I should call WM_CLOSE and exit,
but as soon as the login dialog is dismissed, the WM_ACTIVATE message
is dispatched again, so I don't see a way to exit...

Is there any way to suppress the message, or any other way to handle
the re-login?

Lots of ways I imagine.

How about have a static variable in your WM_ACTIVATE handler

    static bool bClosed=false;

 Then (schematically - NB this is pseudocode!)

 if( bNeedToLogOn && !bClosed )
     bool bLogOnSuccess = DoLogOn();

    if( !bLogOnSuccess )
           PostMessageToSelf( WM_CLOSE );

Next time it comes back after failing to log on bClosed will be true and it
won't try again. Eventually the WM_CLOSE message will be received and it
will shut down.

Of course tthere are some nitty-gritty details like perhaps what to do if
the WM_CLOSE fails to shut down the application, but this should get you

David Webber
Author MOZART the music processor for Windows -
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