I am not sure why you need ONLButtonDown. All you need is OnNcHitTest; check
for mouse location and simply return HTCAPTION based on the location.
OnNcHitTest is called before each mouse move. OS gives you the opportunity
etc). If it is, it will translate a mouse click/drag go moving the window.
Its a very useful functionality.
On Mar 19, 9:47 am, "Ajay Kalra" <ajayka...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Override OnNcHitTest and return HTCAPTION if the mouse is where you want
move start from.
Ajay Kalra [MVP - VC++]
"Shahoo" <shahookaman...@gmail.com> wrote in message
I have created a dialog based application without a title bar, and
want to move the dialog using the left mouse button.
I tried MoveWindow nut the window was streching instead of moving !!!
Can anyone help me please?
Hi and thanks for your help.
I did it with the following two handlers:
void CYourDialog::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CDialog::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
MAKELPARAM( point.x, point.y));
// Handler for WM_NCHITTEST message
LONG CYourDialog::OnNcHitTest( UINT uParam, LONG lParam )
int xPos = LOWORD(lParam);
int yPos = HIWORD(lParam);
UINT nHitTest = CDialog::OnNcHitTest(CSize(xPos, yPos));
return (nHitTest == HTCLIENT) ? HTCAPTION : nHitTest;
can anyone tell me more about waht is happening in them ( I am a