Re: Back to CDialog from child window ?
RAN wrote:
void CTextEntry::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
if(nChar == VK_RETURN)
if(t_TextEntry.o_TextEntryStr.IsEmpty () == FALSE)
Here you are passing a pointer to the object.
CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
LRESULT CClientDlg::OnTextEntryCompleted(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if(wParam == 1)
t_TextEntry = (TEXTENTRY&) lParam;
Here you are casting the pointer to a reference. Do:
t_TextEntry = *(TEXTENTRY*) lParam;
or more officially:
t_TextEntry= *reinterpret_cast<TEXTENTRY*>( lParam );
And by:
TEXTENTRY& t_TextEntry= *reinterpret_cast<TEXTENTRY*>( lParam );
You avoid a copy constructor;
If you want a reference. But I would keep it a pointer.
And you can:
Best, Dan.
// o_ChatTextEntry.InsertText (LPCSTR(t_TextEntry.o_TextEntryStr));
return 0;
the contents of TEXTENTRY is garbage !? If i create a PTEXTENTRY
dynamically the contents is ok ? Why ?