Re: PostMessage from thread to PropertyPage and MessageBox

triveni <>
Fri, 16 May 2008 02:17:43 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks a lot for the replies. Some clarifications.

1) I am sure that the AfxGetMainWnd is returning the handle to login
dialog whereas I want the handle of the current active window. How do
I get handle to current active window? AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd-

PostMessage(...) didnt help. :(

2) I am not issuing MessageBox in the thread as I alsoknow it would be
a design error. I am issuing it in Message Handler code.

3) The login dialog is the parent dialog of my PropertySheet.

Sharing my code, so that I can be more clear

//Thread to poll for wifi cnnectivity status

UINT WINAPI WifiThread(LPVOID value)
    CWiFi* wifi = (CWiFi*)value;
    int i;

        i = wifi->GetConnectStatus(0);
        if(i == -1)

            AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(MY_WM_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)0,
            return -1;




CWiFi* wi = new CWiFi;
       CWinThread *pThread = AfxBeginThread(WifiThread,wi) ;
        // Open the next dialog based on successful registration.
        Control = new CPropertySheetCtrl(L"ImSmartFone");
        pDialApp->pSheetCtrl = Control;
        Control->m_psh.dwFlags |= PSH_NOAPPLYNOW;
        int nResponse = Control->DoModal();

        // Client has quit.. Send an UnRegister message.
        phUnregister(userid, regserver);

                // Close the client

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