Re: I need a folder browser dialogue that can be initialized to a

David Lowndes <DavidL@example.invalid>
Tue, 02 Jun 2009 23:13:50 +0100

Assuming that I'm able to set up my installer to remove the folder on
uninstall if it's empty, I'm still faced with the problem of getting
SHBrowseForFolder() to start at a given default folder without setting it as
the root (the way CFileDialog lets you do it). Nothing in the docs makes it
clear how to do that.

You can specify an initial folder, but it's not as straight forward as
for the common dialog - you have to use a callback procedure to set
the initial folder using the BFFM_SETSELECTION message.

Here's an example previously posted by Katy Mulvey:

  // SetSelProc
  // Callback procedure to set the initial selection of the browser.
  int CALLBACK SetSelProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM
lpData )
      if (uMsg==BFFM_INITIALIZED) {
          ::SendMessage(hWnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, lpData );
      return 0;

  //... later in your program ...
  void MyFunc(void)
    CString initial = "C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM";
    //... set everything the way you want it and...
    bi.lpfn = SetSelProc;
    bi.lParam = (LPARAM)(LPCSTR) initial;
    ITEMIDLIST * item_list = ::SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);
    // etc...


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