Re: Fun with CStatic destructor

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Thu, 17 Aug 2006 15:27:03 -0500
On 17 Aug 2006 09:28:27 -0700, "Paul S. Ganney" <>

I'm getting very stumped here and wondered if anyone could help out.

The interesting bit of code is:

What is the type of check[n], and what is GetChecked? You probably already
know this, but once DoModal has returned, the controls have been destroyed,
but the member variables that were bound to them live on, and you cannot
call any functions that require the HWNDs to still be around.

If I click OK on the dialog, the letters are produced by IssueLetter()
and all is well. If I click CANCEL then I get an unhandled exception in
    if (m_xDispatch.m_vtbl != 0)
        ((COleDispatchImpl*)&m_xDispatch)->Disconnect(); // HERE
    ASSERT(m_dwRef <= 1);
#ifdef _AFXDLL
    m_pModuleState = NULL;

Interestingly, the effects are the same when I comment out the if(dlg)s
in my code (i.e. leaving an empty if()). I get the same effect if I
don't check any checkboxes and select "OK" and if I do select one and
select "Cancel".

Looking at the callstack, the exception is occuring from a CStatic
destructor (the dialog is built on-the-fly so constructs it's own
statics and checkboxes), called during the dialog destructor called at
the end of the function the above code is in.

As I said at the top, I'm well stumped. To my mind, the static
destructors get called in exactly the same way whether I say "OK" or
"Cancel" but the evidence suggests otherwise.

I have overidden OnOK() and OnCancel() as follows, but can't see that
they should have any effect (and all work fine for other uses of this

void CInputDlg::OnOK()
    if(GetFocus()!=&m_ok) // came here by pressing RETURN
        m_ok.SetFocus(); // m_ok is the OK button
    else CDialog::OnOK();

I don't understand why you're doing this in OnOK. Get rid of this, at least
temporarily, and see if the problem occurs. If you don't delete the
function, do have it call CDialog::OnOK, of course.

void CInputDlg::OnCancel()
    pDoc->SetExiting(true); // sets a flag in the document

I'm running VC6 with all the Service Packs, if that makes any

Any ideas?

One difference is your call to SetExiting. Another is that OnOK calls
UpdateData, which will transfer data from controls to member variables.
OnCancel does not do this.

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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