I see this with Visual SourceSafe all the time. Since I run it on VPN it
takes forever to load up. Most of the time I use SourceAnywhere, but there
are times when I still need to use SourceSafe. That's why I tend to put
(like Adobe does while loading modules). A progress bar works nicely.
"Joseph M. Newcomer" <newcomer@flounder.com> wrote in message
Start a program. Pop up a modeless splash screen. Go off and do some
lengthy computation
(simulate it by Sleep(20000) if you want). Now while the long computation
is running, pop
another program up on top of your app, then pop your app up. Lots of
luck. Big blank
spot in your screen. I've actually had to fix programs for my clients who
wanted their
logo up during the initialization, which could run over a minute. In one
case, all we got
was the "floating progress bar" looking rather lonesome on the screen in a
big blank area;
the one that wasn't doing a progress bar was just a big blank hole.
In both cases, using a background thread meant that we could keep the
splash screen up,
and show either progress bars or friendly messages about which stage of
initialization the
program was in (or both!), even if other programs popped up on top for a
On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 22:02:30 -0400, "Ajay Kalra" <ajaykalra@yahoo.com>
"Sheng Jiang[MVP]" <sheng_jiang@hotmail.com.discuss> wrote in message
A background thread is more appropriate.
Appropriate for what? Why would this help for displaying GUI?
Sheng Jiang
Microsoft MVP in VC++
"David Ching" <dc@remove-this.dcsoft.com> wrote in message
"Tom Serface" <tom.nospam@camaswood.com> wrote in message
Another interesting thought. I don't know what, exactly, OP is
do, but I've found precious few things that I couldn't just do in the
OnInitDialog() function to set up the dialog. The window is
available to update, it is just not showing yet. After giving this a
little more thought I'm not sure that the PostMessage() idea really
necessary with MFC even though it does work. What would you do in
routine that you couldn't just do in OnInitDialog()?
I use this PostMessage() trick to delay lengthy initialization until
the dialog has appeared.
-- David
Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
email: newcomer@flounder.com
Web: http://www.flounder.com
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