Hi david,
Please have a look at the callstack . Hope this would help you in
finding the solution.
mfc80ud.dll!CObject::IsKindOf(const CRuntimeClass * pClass=0x782e6768)
Line 45 + 0x8 bytes C++
mfc80ud.dll!CDocument::GetNextView(__POSITION * &
rPosition=0x00000000) Line 799 + 0xe bytes C++
mfc80ud.dll!CDocument::AssertValid() Line 881 + 0x11 bytes C++
UI.exe!CUIDoc::AssertValid() Line 227 C++
mfc80ud.dll!AfxAssertValidObject(const CObject * pOb=0x01370740,
const char * lpszFileName=0x782f1b80, int nLine=423) Line 107 C++
mfc80ud.dll!CDocTemplate::AssertValid() Line 424 C++
mfc80ud.dll!CMultiDocTemplate::AssertValid() Line 213 C++
mfc80ud.dll!AfxAssertValidObject(const CObject * pOb=0x0035ce78,
const char * lpszFileName=0x782f249c, int nLine=871) Line 107 C++
mfc80ud.dll!CDocManager::AssertValid() Line 872 C++
mfc80ud.dll!AfxAssertValidObject(const CObject * pOb=0x00359f00,
const char * lpszFileName=0x782f56e0, int nLine=1062) Line 107 C++
mfc80ud.dll!CWinApp::AssertValid() Line 1063 C++
mfc80ud.dll!AfxAssertValidObject(const CObject * pOb=0x004af640,
const char * lpszFileName=0x782f52e0, int nLine=772) Line 107 C++
mfc80ud.dll!CWinThread::PreTranslateMessage(tagMSG *
pMsg=0x00154080) Line 773 C++
mfc80ud.dll!AfxPreTranslateMessage(tagMSG * pMsg=0x00154080) Line
252 + 0x11 bytes C++
mfc80ud.dll!AfxInternalPumpMessage() Line 178 + 0x18 bytes C++
mfc80ud.dll!CWinThread::PumpMessage() Line 896 C++
mfc80ud.dll!CWinThread::Run() Line 625 + 0xd bytes C++
mfc80ud.dll!CWinApp::Run() Line 889 C++
mfc80ud.dll!AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000,
HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance=0x00000000, wchar_t *
lpCmdLine=0x00020892, int nCmdShow=1) Line 47 + 0xd bytes C++
UI.exe!wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ *
hPrevInstance=0x00000000, wchar_t * lpCmdLine=0x00020892, int
nCmdShow=1) Line 29 C++
UI.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 578 + 0x35 bytes C
UI.exe!wWinMainCRTStartup() Line 403 C
It would help to see the source code at each of these lines. Starting
(otherwise why is IsKindOf() failing)? Very bizarre. At any rate, since
some of your threads are leaving the state of your CView's a mess.
Sorry I can't be more help.