Re: PostMessage() to a Regular DLL

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Wed, 7 Jan 2009 15:30:32 -0600
There is no such concept as sending a message to a DLL.

You can send a message to a particular window, or a particular thread.
Those are the only two things you can send/post messages to.

The fact that the code for them is in a dll or the exe is irrelevant, for
all practical purposes you can think of a DLL as a repository for some code
which the exe access and runs, beside that the end result would be exactly
the same as if the code was in the exe to begin with.


"Stephen Myers" <> wrote in message

"Ajay Kalra" wrote:

On Jan 7, 1:58 pm, Stephen Myers
<> wrote:

I'm creating a UI thread from a Regular DLL. I would like to use the
equivalent of PostMessage(.) to send data back to the CWinApp (for the
for processing.

I'm considering creating an invisible window and allowing it to handle
things. Is there a better solution?

Thanks in advance.

(Environment is VS 2003)

There is no PostMessage to the DLL. Perhaps what you are looking for
is PostThreadMessage?


My understanding is that PostThreadMessage() would end up in the message
for the Application, not the DLL. Is that incorrect?

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