Re: wm_touch and wm_gesture Message

"David Ching" <>
Tue, 29 Dec 2009 09:12:09 -0800
"David Ching" <> wrote in message

I confirm your findings that posting WM_TOUCH (0x0240) to the same window
results in the message not being received when run on Windows 7. When
running the same app on Vista, the message is received. So Windows 7 is
preventing the message from being posted. Calling RegisterTouchWindow()
has no effect on this. Sorry I couldn't help more. The Touch API is
still so new there are few people who know short of Microsoft.

I've run your situation past a few C++ people at Microsoft. First responses
speculate ntuser is not forwarding the posted WM_TOUCH message due to
invalid parameters. It was news to me that ntuser validates message
parameters in PostMessage(), but there you go. Will let you know if
anything more definitive comes up.

Regardless, it was also pointed out that even if you successfully did post
WM_TOUCH, your app still would not be useful because you wouldn't know what
info to post (the lParam HTOUCHINFO) because you would need to match what
the hardware sends, and you don't know what the hardware sends because you
don't have any hardware. So this whole approach of posting WM_TOUCH will
probably not get very far.

Another approach is to call SendInput() to generate the WM_TOUCH messages,
but alas this API (or at least the doc of it) hasn't been updated to support
Touch parameters.

The easiest way is probably to go buy a Touch enabled Windows 7 PC, sorry.

-- David

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