Re: Function Call Problem
I tried your suggestion, but the argument is still not being passed to this
function in another class. So, I thought I would try to be more specific.
This example "Tab Control" program is dialog-based program with a tab
control placed on the dialog with 3 tabs or pages. And for each page, a form
(completely blank, child, no title) is created for a total of 3 classes.
Then another class,
MyTabCtrl, is created that does not use the property sheet method. The .cpp
file is printed below and it works.
So, there are three different classes (not including each page here) that
are involved with the tab control.
CTabTestDlg - main dialog class
CMyTabCtrl - tab control class with control variable, m_ctrlTab
CTab1 - for the first page only with control variable, m_ctrlAnswer1
And I need to pass an argument from the CTabTestDlg class (after a button
is clicked there) to the CTab1 class where a static text will print the
passed argument on the first tab page. Also, the argument needs to be passed
as a reference variable or pointer. I've included the code for the button
segment in CTabTestDlg, and the DisplayText() function in the CTab1. (below
the .cpp file)
I believe the problem only involves a one statement, the function call in
the button function from the main dialog. And I am not sure how to write
this, since it seems it is necessary to use the tab control class to get to
the tab1 class.
// MyTabCtrl.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TabTest.h"
#include "MyTabCtrl.h"
#include "Tab1.h"
#include "Tab2.h"
#include "Tab3.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// CMyTabCtrl
m_tabPages[0] = new CTab1;
m_tabPages[1] = new CTab2;
m_tabPages[2] = new CTab3;
m_nNumberOfPages = 3;
for(int nCount = 0; nCount < m_nNumberOfPages; ++nCount)
delete m_tabPages[nCount];
// CMyTabCtrl message handlers
void CMyTabCtrl::Init()
m_tabCurrent = 0;
m_tabPages[0]->Create(IDD_TAB1_DIALOG, this);
m_tabPages[1]->Create(IDD_TAB2_DIALOG, this);
m_tabPages[2]->Create(IDD_TAB3_DIALOG, this);
void CMyTabCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
CTabCtrl::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
if(m_tabCurrent != GetCurFocus())
void CMyTabCtrl::SetRectangle()
CRect tabRect, itemRect;
int nX, nY, nXc, nYc;
GetItemRect(0, &itemRect);
nX=itemRect.left + 2;
nY=itemRect.bottom + 1;
nXc=tabRect.right-itemRect.left - 4;
nYc=tabRect.bottom - nY - 2;
m_tabPages[0]->SetWindowPos(&wndTop, nX, nY, nXc, nYc, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
for(int nCount = 1; nCount < m_nNumberOfPages; ++nCount)
m_tabPages[nCount]->SetWindowPos(&wndTop, nX, nY, nXc, nYc,
void CTabTestDlg::OnButton1()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
m_nResult1 = 10;
CString s;
s.Format("%d", m_nResult1);
//****needs function call here for tab1****
void CTab1::DisplayText()
CString s;
s.Format("%d", m_nResult1);