Re: Scan Directory

"Moonlit" <news moonlit xs4all nl>
Sun, 21 May 2006 16:22:57 +0200

It is platform specific however differentiating between unix/linux and
windows will cover most systems. Here is some code I use to read directories
on unix/linux/windows:

You need dirent.h header on unix/linux systems, I use WIN32 macro to
differentiate between the two

// Author : Ron AF Greve
// Date : 20011104

static char rcsid[] = "$Id:,v 1.4 2003/04/08 05:51:39 rgreve Exp $";

#include "stdafx.h"
//#include <dirent.h>
#include "Dir.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "InfoException.h"
#include "Log.h"
extern CLog Log;

using namespace std;

bool CDir::Read()

#ifndef _WIN32
 bool RetVal = true;
 DIR *Dir = 0;


 if( !( Dir = opendir( Dirname.c_str() ) ) )
  cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " Could not open <" << Dirname <<
">" << endl;
  RetVal = false;
  struct dirent *DirEnt = 0;

  while( ( DirEnt = readdir( Dir ) ) )
   if( RegExp )
    if( *RegExp == string( DirEnt->d_name ) ) DirEntries.push_back(
CDirEntry( &Dirname, DirEnt->d_name, DirEnt->d_ino ) );
    DirEntries.push_back( CDirEntry( &Dirname, DirEnt->d_name,
DirEnt->d_ino ) );

  closedir( Dir );
  WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
  HANDLE hFind;
  bool RetVal = true;

  vector<string> TextFiles;

  string Wild = Dirname;

  if( !Wild.empty() )
   if( *Wild.rbegin() != '\\' ) Wild += '\\';

  string Dir = Wild;
  Wild += RegExp;

  hFind = FindFirstFileEx( Wild.c_str(), FindExInfoStandard, &FindFileData,
   FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0 );

   stringstream Error;
   Error << "Invalid File Handle. GetLastError reports " << GetLastError ()
<< endl;

// AfxMessageBox( Error.str().c_str(), MB_ICONSTOP );
   Log << Level1 << "Invalid File Handle" << End;
   throw CInfoException( Error.str() );
      RetVal = false;
// DirEntries.push_back( CDirEntry( &Dirname, DirEnt->d_name,
DirEnt->d_ino ) );
   DirEntries.push_back( CDirEntry( &Dirname, FindFileData.cFileName, 0 ) );
  while( FindNextFile( hFind, &FindFileData ) );


 return RetVal;

Regards, Ron AF Greve

"Arman Sahakyan" <> wrote in message


How to retrieve all the file and directory names in a given directory.
I do not need Win32 API functions but a C/C++ function.
(it is supposed that the function will work in UNIX too).

Thanks in advance


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