Re: cxx0017: ... symbol not found VC++6
Some example code would be helpful to us.
At line after the comment
the variables bytesRead and workingBufIndex are listed in watch1 as
not found. Perhaps because they are static?
// debug version of getSentence
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <iostream>
extern "C"
//#include "hidsdi.h"
using namespace std;
//int readPuck(char* buffer, int timeout, int = 10);
const char START_SENTINEL = '$';
const char STOP_SENTINEL = '@';
char newBuf[34]; //Make new when instantiating, size of input report
size +1
char workingBuf[34];
// Simple overview: Search input from puck till $ is found, copy it
and following characters until
// newline \n is found. GPS sentence is nulled terminated and placed
at *outString.
getSentence(char* outString)
static int workingBufIndex; //Where we stopped scanning when we got a
static int bytesRead = 0; //How many bytes fn readPuck read, must
persist between calls.
static bool firstTime = true;
char* pc = outString;
// First time thru.
if(firstTime == true)
firstTime = false;
workingBufIndex = 0;
//Get a bufferful of data from device.
//if(!(bytesRead = readPuck(workingBuf, 100)))
//####Got an error, scream, shout, and dash about.
//####Return an error code of some sort.
// At this point should be pointing at workingBuf at the point of the
// terminating \n or at its beginning if this is first time thru this
// If at the end of workingBuf (workingBufIndex == bytesRead), read
new data in
// from device.
// Start where left off in last buffer and throw away anything but a
$. If the
// buffer end is reached before a $ is found the device should be
read again.
// When $ is found copy it then move to a copy loop.
// Look for start sentinel in the current buffer. If at end of
buffer, read the
// puck again.
bool startSentinelFound = false;
while(startSentinelFound == false) //#### && haven't been looking too
// First check for end of buffer and read input buffer (newBuf) if
cout << "wbi: " << workingBufIndex << " bytesRead: " << bytesRead <<
if(workingBufIndex == bytesRead) // At end of buffer from previous
loop or
{ // sentinel search above.
//Read newBuf until it has fresh data, not same as already in
workingBufIndex = 0; //Reset to beginning , fetching a new
bool same = true;
while(same == true) //###?limit time allowed for searching for new
// Read a bufferful of new characters into newBuf and make sure it
is not
// the same as what is already in workingBuf. Go ahead and copy
// the process of checking as it doesn't hurt.
//bytesRead = readPuck(newBuf, 100);
for(int i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++)
if(workingBuf[i] != newBuf[i]) same = false;
workingBuf[i] = newBuf[i];
}// Finished getting newBuf and copying into workingBuf, and it is
new data.
//Look for start sentinel
if(workingBuf[workingBufIndex++] == START_SENTINEL)
startSentinelFound = true;
} // End of while(startSentinelFound == false) -- Finally made our
first buck.