Re: Errors in compilation of simple programme

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Mon, 9 Apr 2007 11:23:50 -0400
<evdlq7$irp$> wrote:

I created a new project (but yes, I am using "Console Application") to
see what happens. I have made a Hello World program previously and it
required the -- #include "stdafx.h" --- header to work. I tried doing
away with that (that is taking away use of precompled headers) for the
sake of making it more simple. The first hello world program I wrote
compiled when I tried the first time, but now when I tried building
again for the sake of double checking it gave me this error i have
previously stated.

Are you trying to use the same project or did you create a new one
from scratch?

Again, try recreating the project from scratch, in a new location
(let VStudio generate all the stuff for you). Does it compile if you
don't change anything? If it does not, your installation is somehow
screwed up now (compared to what it used to be); try reinstalling.

If it does compile, make incremental changes and see where it stumbles.
Post your findings.

(I checked that precompled headers were on, as when
I compiled it the first time) This is the second version of the
program, converted to english with stdafx included (but still not
compiling, same error):

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ()
int a = 0;
cout << "How old are you?";
cin >> a;

cout << "Ahaaa... you're " << a << " years old.";

return 0;

I will keep checking things. For the record, I am using Visual Express
(may buy the full version if I keep having problems).

Express or Pro or whatever shouldn't really matter. The program is
so simple that no features that do differ between them are not used

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