Re: Doubles and Integers as strings.
"GeorgeJ" wrote:
1) Is there a way, using syntax similar to that Alex used
in his post, e. g.
double f1 = 1.23E2;
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << f1 << '\n';
cout << scientific << f1 << '\n';
cout << fixed << ' ' << f1 << ' ' << '\n';
to have all that stuff go into a string S1 rather that to
the console, and
then do
cout << S1 ?
Yes, you can make such string by using string streams.
That's why concept of streams was invented in first place:
to separate input/output peculiarities (formats, locales,
etc.) and actual media, which carries bytes, be it file on
disk, string, console or any other device.
In order to make `s1' string from above example, you just
create output string stream:
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
double f1 = 1.23E2;
ostringstream oss;
oss << setprecision(2) << fixed << f1 << '\n';
oss << scientific << f1 << '\n';
oss << fixed << ' ' << f1 << ' ' << '\n';
// Using const reference to avoid
// redundant string copy.
const string& s1 = oss.str();
cout << s1;
return 0;
2) where in the help file of Visual Studio 2003 might I
find detailed info
explaining formatted output using cout?
You should have MSDN DVD with VS2003 installation.
Alternatively, you can download MSDN Library directly from
MS site:
"MSDN Library (April 2007 Edition)"
Or just look in MSDN Library online:
"iostream Programming"