RE: using a modeless WinForms "application" from MFC

From: (Charles Wang[MSFT])
Wed, 15 Aug 2007 08:47:30 GMT
Hi Dan,
In your post, you mentioned three approaches which could not work fine at
your side. The first failed since the Keyboard accelerators could not work,
the second lead to a crash sometimes, while the third had the same problem
as the first. However I did not understand your real intention very
Take your first method for instance, I would like to know:
Will this issue be resolved if the menu on the Windows form can get
keyboard accelerators?

I performed a simple test at my side and it worked fine. The follows are my
test steps:
1. Create a MFC dialog application and enable /clr switch;
2. Add a Windows Form named FormTest to the project;
3. Drag the control MenuStrip to the FormTest, and input a menu item:
     File CC
     --New --Test
     I set the Key accelerator F1 for CC menu item.

4. Then I add the following code to the MFC dialog:
#include "FormTest.h"
using namespace MFCDlgTest;
void CMFCDlgTestDlg::OnBnClickedOk()
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
    FormTest^ frmTest = gcnew FormTest();


Add the KeyUp event to the WinForm class:
private: System::Void FormTest_KeyUp(System::Object^ sender,
System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs^ e) {
             if(e->KeyCode == Keys::F1)

5. Run the MFC application and click the OK button, the modeless windows
form was displayed. If I type F1 from Keyboard, the CC menu was selected.

I am not sure if I fully understand your meaning, if there is anything
misunderstanding, please feel free to point out. Also, since this issue
seems complex and related to multiple technologies, to let me better
understand your issue, I strongly recommend that you can mail me
(changliw_at_microsoft_dot_com) a simple project so that I can reproduce
your issue and find a workaround.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let us

Best regards,
Charles Wang
Microsoft Online Community Support
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