Re: 'Function' a reserved word???

"lost_in_space" <>
Wed, 21 May 2008 10:01:56 -0600
Hi, Tom -

Nope, no spelling errors. And 'Function' is perfectly descriptive - it's a
MathEngine library and the Function class encapsulates a user-specified
mathematical expression and it's equivalent tree structure.

: P

: )

Seriously, though...

Here's a snippet showing the test case. This is from the header of a file
containing definitions for variable node classes. One of these is a
'FunctionNode' class that allows functions to refer to one another in their
expressions (e.g., F1 = F3 /2.0). The FunctionNode objects are passed a
pointer to a Function object in their constructor. If that pointer is called
'Function*' I get the error. If I call it anything else, it works (it works
as shown, spelled 'Funcshun').

Any ideas? I mean, I suppose I could call it something else, but 'Function'
is appropriate and I'd like to know why it doesn't work!

namespace MathEngine


class Funcshun




class FunctionNode : public TreeNode



FunctionNode(NodeInfo* info, int parenthesis, CoreFunction* owner, Funcshun*





namespace MathEngine


FunctionNode::FunctionNode(NodeInfo* info, int parenthesis, CoreFunction*
owner, Funcshun* reference)

: TreeNode(info, parenthesis, owner)





"Tom Serface" <> wrote in message

I don't see any problem with using that name except that it is not very
descriptive. If it were a keyword you'd get a different error message.
Are you sure you used the right name (possible misspelled) when trying to
create the object from the library? I know you said the purposefully
misspelled one works, but did you misspell the other by accident?


"lost_in_space" <> wrote in message

Hey, all -

The library I'm working on porting to C++ has a class named 'Function'.
When I declare this class and try to use an object of that type I get
C2061 errors - 'identifier undefined'.

If I change the class name to anything else, say 'Funcshun', it works.

What's up with that? I didn't think this was a reserved word!?

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