Re: VC8 Compiler bizarreness

Murrgon <>
Wed, 04 Jun 2008 12:43:34 -0400
Alex Blekhman wrote:

"Murrgon" wrote:

Correction to previous post: the 'built-in C++' operator!=()
that were suggested obviously has that operator, but none of the
classes suggested has that operator.

I think that the culprit is `GTL::TSmartPtr<TYPE>' template.
Either it defines `operator !=', which is too generic or some
other conversion operator that kicks in. Could you post the
definition of this template?

It does define operator!=(), but the classes it's suggesting as the TYPE

namespace GTL {

// ===========================================================================
// TSmartPtr class
// ===========================================================================
template <class TYPE>
class TSmartPtr
   // Member variables ========================================================
     TYPE* m_pRefCountObject; // Reference counting object

   // <... snipped for brevity ...>

     // Boolean operators =====================================================
     TBool operator!()
       return(NULL == m_pRefCountObject);

     TBool operator==(const TSmartPtr& kObject)
       return(m_pRefCountObject == kObject.m_pRefCountObject);

     TBool operator==(TYPE* ptr)
       return(m_pRefCountObject == ptr);

     TBool operator!=(const TSmartPtr& kObject)
       return(m_pRefCountObject != kObject.m_pRefCountObject);

     TBool operator!=(TYPE* ptr)
       return(m_pRefCountObject != ptr);

     friend INL TBool operator==(TYPE* ptr, const TSmartPtr<TYPE>& kObject)
       return(kObject == ptr);

     friend INL TBool operator!=(TYPE* ptr, const TSmartPtr<TYPE>& kObject)
       return(kObject != ptr);

} // namespace GTL

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