Re: Using same port number to connect more than one application to

=?Utf-8?B?bmV4b2xpdGU=?= <>
Tue, 28 Apr 2009 05:30:04 -0700

No reason I can imagine this would be possible.

It would be the role of your server to decide that an incoming message from X should be
sent to Y and an incoming message from Y should be sent to X. You would write code to
manage this and do it.

Note that you have still not shown the code that is causing the problem.

Even I know this is possible, and obviously I was not able to write code
that's why I asked you, since you and others here are much experienced!

Also I cannot use code from other sources , Here I have to use my own code.
and I was not believing on my code thinking it is completely wrong.
OK , here is my code .

#include "resource.h"
using namespace std;
class ConnectionManagerDialog : public CDialog
    int i;
    CListBox from,to;
    ConnectionManagerDialog(int n):CDialog(n){i=0;}
    void OnAccept();
    void OnRecieve();
    BOOL OnInitDialog();
class ConSock : public CAsyncSocket
    CDialog *pwnd;
    void SetParent(CDialog *mpwnd)
    void OnAccept(int nErrorCode)
           if (nErrorCode == 0)
    void OnReceive(int nErrorCode)

vector<ConSock*> servs; //To store the socks created with 'new'
BOOL ConnectionManagerDialog::OnInitDialog()
            else MessageBox("listen failed");
            MessageBox("create sock failed");
        return CDialog::OnInitDialog();
void ConnectionManagerDialog::OnAccept()
    ConSock *servn = new ConSock;
void ConnectionManagerDialog::OnRecieve()
    /*loop through all the servs[]->recive()
    Since I dont understand how I come to know for which this OnRecieve() was
called I loop through all!
    and even this does not work properly , properly means according to me it
should receive data from the socket for which OnRecieve was called
    and send "hello" (only for testing) to it*/

                            /*This is the place where I m STUCK!!!*/

    char data[100];
    int read;
    for(int i=0;i<(int)servs.size();i++)
    CString str;
    str.Format("\nBytes Read=%d",read);

class ConnectionManagerApp:public CWinApp
    int InitApplication()
        ConnectionManagerDialog d(IDD_DIALOG1);
        return TRUE;

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