Re: Way to sort in C++, how? 4 cases

Andreas Ott <>
Fri, 22 May 2009 22:33:37 +0200
Hello Joseph,

thank for your help.
You are right.

I delete it register
I change from pointer to reference
I don't use m_ variables
I use static. Only with static I can call this function.
It is good or bad?
Maybe better with a function of the object, or?

It is also not working. It is not correct.

Pos=1 x= 10.00, y= 10.00
Pos=2 x= 10.00, y= 20.00
Pos=3 x= 10.00, y= 30.00
Pos=4 x= 30.00, y= 10.00
Pos=5 x= 30.00, y= 20.00
Pos=6 x= 10.00, y= 40.00
Pos=7 x= 30.00, y= 30.00
Pos=8 x= 30.00, y= 40.00
Pos=9 x= 50.00, y= 10.00
Pos=10 x= 50.00, y= 20.00
Pos=11 x= 50.00, y= 30.00
Pos=12 x= 50.00, y= 40.00
Pos=13 x= 70.00, y= 10.00
Pos=14 x= 70.00, y= 20.00
Pos=15 x= 70.00, y= 30.00
Pos=16 x= 70.00, y= 40.00
Pos=17 x= 90.00, y= 10.00
Pos=18 x= 90.00, y= 20.00
Pos=19 x= 90.00, y= 30.00
Pos x= 90.00, y= 40.00

I need the algorithm for all 4 cases.
Can you give me that?
Can you say, where can I reread it?, if you not want to give me the code?

My code now - Thnaks for check!

// Sort_Wege.cpp :


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Sort_Wege.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Das einzige Anwendungsobjekt

CWinApp theApp;

using namespace std;

#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

class CSortWay
  CSortWay(double x, double y) { X = x; Y = y; }
  typedef std::vector<CSortWay> data;

  double X;
  double Y;

  static double SortCase1(const CSortWay var1,const CSortWay var2)
     double x1 = var1.X;
     double y1 = var1.Y;

     double x2 = var2.X;
     double y2 = var2.Y;

     return( (x1*x1 + y1*y1) < (x2*x2 + y2*y2) );

  static double SortCase2(const CSortWay var1,const CSortWay var2)
  // ** TODO
     double x1 = var1.X;
     double y1 = var1.Y;

     double x2 = var2.X;
     double y2 = var2.Y;

     return( (x1*x1 + y1*y1) < (x2*x2 + y2*y2) );

  static double SortCase3(const CSortWay var1,const CSortWay var2)
  // ** TODO
     double x1 = var1.X;
     double y1 = var1.Y;

     double x2 = var2.X;
     double y2 = var2.Y;

     return( (x1*x1 + y1*y1) < (x2*x2 + y2*y2) );

  static double SortCase4(const CSortWay var1,const CSortWay var2)
// ** TODO
     double x1 = var1.X;
     double y1 = var1.Y;

     double x2 = var2.X;
     double y2 = var2.Y;

     return( (x1*x1 + y1*y1) < (x2*x2 + y2*y2) );

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
    int nRetCode = 0;

    // MFC initialisieren und drucken. Bei Fehlschlag Fehlermeldung aufrufen.
    if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))
        // TODO: Den Fehlercode an Ihre Anforderungen anpassen.
        _tprintf(_T("Schwerwiegender Fehler bei der MFC-Initialisierung\n"));
        nRetCode = 1;
        CSortWay::data mylistSortWay;






// ** Case 1
        int count=0;
        for ( CSortWay::data::iterator it2(mylistSortWay.begin());
           it2++ )
          printf("Pos=%d x= %7.2f, y=%7.2f\r\n",
// ** Case 2
        for ( CSortWay::data::iterator it2(mylistSortWay.begin());
           it2++ )
          printf("Pos=%d x= %7.2f, y=%7.2f\r\n",
// ** Case 3
        for ( CSortWay::data::iterator it2(mylistSortWay.begin());
           it2++ )
          printf("Pos=%d x= %7.2f, y=%7.2f\r\n",
// ** Case 4
        for ( CSortWay::data::iterator it2(mylistSortWay.begin());
           it2++ )
          printf("Pos=%d x= %7.2f, y=%7.2f\r\n",

    return nRetCode;

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