Re: Is there a convention mandating macros to be all-uppper-case?
ultranet wrote:
"Ulrich Eckhardt" wrote:
I may add that the (very good!) book "C++ Coding Standards" by Sutter and
Alexandrescu suggest that a) all macros are uppercase and b) only macros
are uppercase for that very reason. However, there is existing practice
to make constants from both constant objects and enumerations all
uppercase and assert() isn't uppercase either, although it should.
How would you change the following enum?
enum eMyEnum {
namespace call
enum type
call::type t = call::invoke_and_wait;
I'd like to make it clear that each constant is an enum member, by using
EINVOKE would look like an error. I'm not sure about standard headers, but
in other headers i see some like above, and some all-cap, w/o e, like
If you were to follow standard headers, you would call all identifiers _Foo
or __bar. Not everything you see in standard headers is applicable to your
code, these headers have to do it because they must still work when someone
#defines foo 1 or #defines bar 42 (or, for that matter, 'i', 'it', 'x', 'y'
or whatever other stuff is commonly used).
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