Re: structures?

Ulrich Eckhardt <>
Fri, 01 Sep 2006 09:25:11 +0200
Robby wrote:

As much as I have used
structures, for the life of me I don't know why this doesn't work. Maybe
its because I am trying to pass a structure from function to


I am doing a declaration of a structure, then passing the address of this
structure down to two functions deep

So you are in fact not passing structures but pointers...

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

I strongly doubt that you got that through a C compiler before...

struct ModIO_ID_TAG {
                     int ADR_ModPos_1; //Bottom left
                     int ADR_ModPos_2; //Top left
                     int ADR_ModPos_3; //Bottom right
                     int ADR_ModPos_4; //Top right
                     } ModIO_ID;

....declaring a global object of name ModIO_ID.

void IOSS(struct ModIO_ID_TAG *ModIO_ID );
void IO_Interface(struct ModIO_ID_TAG *ModIO_ID);

....reusing the same name as function parameters.

void main()

main() returns int, by definition.

void IO_Interface(struct ModIO_ID_TAG *ModIO_ID)
int Pos1,Pos2,Pos3,Pos4;


You either pass the same pointer(!) as Jochen already said or you at least
use the global properly. Alternatively, you could as well use a C compiler
instead of a C++ compiler. Renaming the file to .c will do this

Another suggestion: you mentioned that you used this code on a different
compiler and it compiled there. In that case, I wonder if you either
ignored the warning or it simply didn't produce any. In the latter case,
you should (try to) activate warnings or raise the warning level.


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