RE: LNK2005 error
this project builds and links correctly in visual studio 2003,
but not in 2005.
Based on the description, the problem is you have an ISAPI extension
program which is built OK under VS2003. When you upgrade and build it under
VS2005, it generates LNK2005 error. Please correct me if I misunderstand
The VC2005's libraries are different with the VS2003's, there exists some
incompatibility issue. I think your program imports the definition of
CRecordset::IsEOF/CRecordset::MoveNext from the corresponding type library,
how about using a namespace to wrap those imported stuffs?
You also mention that program could be build well with "Use MFC in a Shared
DLL", but it is unable to be loaded by the IIS. In this regard, I suggest
you can review the machine's event log, it should have some error message
about that unsuccessful loading.
I hope the above information helps, if you have any questions or concerns,
please do not hesitate to let me know. I am standing by to help you
Best regards,
Gary Chang
Microsoft Online Community Support
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