Re: CFileDialog + Caching

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 08:14:54 -0700
I'm not sure if it's the loading of a list in the shell namespace or the
control. I'd assume they'd use a virtual list control, but ... it does take
some time on occasion.


"David Ching" <> wrote in message

"Tom Serface" <> wrote in message

Hi David,

Even Explorer can be really slow when filling the list control side with
files from a folder that contains thousands of files. I've had it take
up to 3 minutes to open a folder of 100K files. You'd kind of expect
handling of the files to be a little slow and fortunately not a lot of
people keep that many files in one folder. I've had to do testing with
drag and drop of thousands of files as well. I finally addressed the
problem using a progress dialog that allows the user to cancel the
operation if they just don't want to wait any longer (on drag and drop

I think that's just the way it works. Another annoying thing is
traversing to network shares that are not on line. They take a lot of
time to "timeout", but that's just how it goes.

Yeah, I have seen the offline drives take awhile to timeout, but I thought
Explorer wouldn't try to load the file info into the list until you
scrolled to make it visible. But I guess that what really happens is all
the files initially get put into the list (which could take some minutes),
and the only thing that is delayed until the item is visible is retrieving
the file icon. Bummer! Why don't they use a virtual list control?

-- David

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