Re: Global and file-static variables in static library
Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP] wrote:
... and not that to use this neat trick, you need to supply the mangled C++
name for the symbol. you can avoid that by including an extern "C" function
in the same module, and reference that function (with it's relatively
unmangled name) instead of your anonymous namespace scoped variable (which
will have a truly awful name).
Something like this:
// D1.h
#pragma comment(linker,"/include: _InitD")
class D1: public Base
// declare virtual overrides
// D1.cpp
#include "D1.h"
Base* Create(){return new D1;}
bool auto_register = RegisterPlugin("D1", Create);
// virtual function definitions for D1
extern "C" __cdecl InitD()
Thanks Ben/Carl:
I would prefer a portable solution, because this is cross-platform code,
but the immediate problem is on VC, and this solves it there.
I had been working with ideas that involved calling a function that was
defined in D1.cpp, and had realized that this could be done without
including D1.h (by simply replicating the declaration). But of course
this call has to be placed in code that I know will be linked.
By contrast the #pragma trick can be used in D1.h (or D1.cpp) so the
plugin is truly self-registering again (thanks Carl for pointing this
out to me).
David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP